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About Sopar Jewelry

Sopar Jewelry – designed by Daniek Sopar and handcrafted with love and care in the Netherlands – saw the light of life in 2022. From a young age Daniek knew she wanted to start a business someday. Drawing fake business logo’s on napkins her creativity started flowing and ended up in jobs in Brand Marketing, where she learned to love building brands that added value and impacted lives of many people across the globe.

She always had a passion for quality – either in brands or in things. When she started a goldsmithing course to understand the craftmanship of fine jewelry, she fell in love with it and soon realized that she had a great eye for design as well.

She brought together her love for brands and jewelry, and designed a collection that represents love, kindness, growth and spirituality.

At Sopar Jewelry we believe in empowering women to be fearless, confident, and speaking their truth. Our mission is to provide the highest quality jewelry that celebrates the true beauty and strength of women, while helping them to feel their best self. To be a reminder of the power of faith, and to bring the wearer closer to the divine.

We believe that each of our pieces has the potential to bring about a positive transformation in the wearer’s life.

Our exquisite collection features a variety of styles ranging from classic and sophisticated to modern and bold. Whether you’re looking for a little shine to your everyday wardrobe or an accessory to make a statement, we have something for you! So go ahead and be fearless, confident, and feminine – it’s time to shine!

"At Sopar Jewelry our mission is to create unique statement pieces that empowers the wearer, feeling worthy of all they desire and being able to express their uniqueness"

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